Colorectal cancer and markers of anemia

Journal: European Journal of Cancer Prevention Authors: Cornelia Schneider 1 2, Michael Bodmer 1, Susan S Jick 3, Christoph R Meier 1 2 3 NLM Citation: Schneider C, Bodmer M, Jick SS, Meier CR. Colorectal cancer and markers of anemia.…

Maternal depression and antidepressant use during pregnancy and the risk of autism spectrum disorder in offspring

Journal: Clinical Epidemiology Authors: Katrina Wilcox Hagberg, Annelies L Robijn, Susan Jick NLM Citation: Hagberg KW, Robijn AL, Jick S. Maternal depression and antidepressant use during pregnancy and the risk of autism…

Use of metformin and survival of patients with high-grade glioma

Journal: International Journal of Cancer Authors: Corinna Seliger 1, Christian Luber 1, Michael Gerken 2, Julia Schaertl 1, Martin Proescholdt 3, Markus J Riemenschneider 4, Christoph R Meier 5 6 7, Ulrich Bogdahn 1, Michael F Leitzmann 8, Monika Klinkhammer-Schalke 2, Peter Hau 1 NLM Citation: Seliger C, Luber C, Gerken M, Schaertl…

Adverse events profile of oral corticosteroids among asthma patients in the UK: cohort study with a nested case-control analysis

Journal: Respiratory Research Authors: Marlene Bloechliger 1 2 3, Daphne Reinau 1 2, Julia Spoendlin 1 2, Shih-Chen Chang 4, Klaus Kuhlbusch 5, Liam G Heaney 6, Susan S Jick 7, Christoph R Meier 8 9 10 NLM Citation: Bloechliger M, Reinau D, Spoendlin J, Chang SC, Kuhlbusch K, Heaney LG,…