Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program

Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program (BCDSP), established in 1966, conducts studies in the fields of pharmacoepidemiology and disease epidemiology using large electronic healthcare databases in the United Kingdom (UK) and United States (US). BCDSP has unique experience in the design and execution of epidemiological studies with electronic data sources. In particular the BCDSP has made major contributions to the development and validation of UK Clinical Practice Research (CPRD) databases.
Studies conducted by our group cover a broad range of drugs and outcomes. Research studies are either investigator-initiated or performed on a contract basis in collaboration with regulatory authorities or the pharmaceutical industry. The BCDSP has published more than 400 pharmacoepidemiology and disease epidemiology studies and methodological reviews in peer-reviewed medical journals of which more than 200 are based on data from the CPRD.
The BCDSP also offers professional education in drug epidemiology and welcomes collaborators from government, industry and academia.
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